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The Guardian (March 13)

2024/ 03/ 15 by jd in Global News

“The early signals show that the UK is on track to emerge from a minor recession within months, powered by a recovery in consumer spending amid resilient pay growth and receding inflation. But that isn’t to say the economy is racing ahead, or that a renaissance in living standards awaits…. The broader picture is still one of relative stagnation.”


Forbes (October 15)

2023/ 10/ 16 by jd in Global News

“Amid chatter about the ‘Japanification’ of China’s economy, it’s wise to keep an eye on how Beijing’s troubles might scuttle Tokyo’s recovery, too…. Japan is uniquely vulnerable to China’s downshift amid myriad global headwinds and other dynamics—including controversies over patents.”


Washington Post (October 1)

2023/ 10/ 02 by jd in Global News

“Offices in many of the world’s major cities are struggling to find workers to occupy them.” In contrast, during 2023 “Tokyo will add some 1.26 million square meters… of new office space, with little trouble occupying it…. Foreign investors, some of whom are dumping properties overseas, are snapping up buildings.” While Tokyo’s post-COVID recovery “has been more circuitous…it may be more complete than global peers.”


Institutional Investor (February 27)

2023/ 03/ 01 by jd in Global News

“After a tumultuous 2022, many investors breathed a sigh of relief when the stock market began to show signs of recovery in January. But… the current upswing may not last long, because economic fundamentals continue to paint a gloomy picture for the year ahead.”


Straits Times (December 30)

2022/ 12/ 30 by jd in Global News

“By sheer international travel volume, Changi Airport topped the Asia-Pacific region, beating Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport and Seoul’s Incheon International Airport by quite a distance: 32 million passengers handled to the other two’s 18 million each. In terms of recovery, it is also finishing by as much as 10 percentage points higher than the South-east Asia average.”


Reuters (July 21)

2022/ 07/ 24 by jd in Global News

“Worries over a global slowdown are casting a shadow over Asia’s recovery prospects with factory activity growth slowing in Japan and Australia, keeping pressure on policymakers to support their economies while tightening monetary policy to combat inflation.”


Reuters (May 27)

2022/ 05/ 29 by jd in Global News

Covid-related restrictions “have battered the world’s second-biggest economy even as most countries have been seeking to return to something like normal.” Although “China’s economy is now staggering back to its feet,” the recovery remains “grinding and partial… with businesses from retailers to chipmakers warning of slow sales as consumers in the country slam the brakes on spending.”


Financial Times (May 6)

2022/ 05/ 07 by jd in Global News

“The yen may very well experience further depreciation pressure over the coming weeks… we are in a complex and volatile period for global markets.” Beyond that, however, “there are a number of paths to recovery for the yen…. Investors can anticipate a rebound in the yen over time and should consider owning this haven asset as a hedge against global recession and other tail risks.”


Wall Street Journal (January 6)

2022/ 01/ 07 by jd in Global News

“Investors are bracing themselves for volatility in 2022. Easing supply chain snarls, potential interest rate increases and slowing growth in corporate earnings are all being closely watched. Contributing to the murky picture: a mixed economic recovery, complicated by the fast-moving Omicron variant of Covid-19, which is making it harder for investors to consider whether to readjust portfolios toward value stocks.”


Barron’s (December 10)

2021/ 12/ 11 by jd in Global News

As it attempts to address inflation without derailing the recovery (or worse), the Fed will be walking a tight rope. On the upside, “the banking system is now both better capitalized and less exposed to illiquidity risk than in the past.” Moreover, “both households and firms are in better shape to weather higher interest costs now than they were in 1981 or, indeed, other episodes of monetary tightening.”


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