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Washington Post (July 4)

2024/ 07/ 05 by jd in Global News

“Japan’s Nikkei 225 stock index closed Thursday at a fresh record high of 40,913.65, pushing past its most recent record close set in March on heavy buying of automaker and technology shares…. Both foreign and domestic investors have piled into the Japanese market in recent months even as the economy has slowed.” The weak yen is “part of the attraction…. But changes to investment regulations have also lured many Japanese investors into the equity market.”


Financial Times (June 5)

2024/ 06/ 06 by jd in Global News

“India’s benchmark Nifty 50 rose 2.3 per cent following a sharp sell-off on Tuesday after a shock election result.” Meanwhile “Japan’s Topix index led losses as it dropped 1.4 per cent, driven lower by a decline in the financial and energy sectors. The yen was the region’s worst-performing currency as it fell 0.6 per cent against the dollar to ¥155.75.” (May 24)

2024/ 05/ 27 by jd in Global News

De-Dollarization has begun. In China, the majority of cross-border payments had always been in dollars. “In March 2023, the share of the RMB in China’s settlements surpassed the USD for the first time.” In other transactions, the currency’s progress may be masked. For example, “the Bank for International Settlements reveals that, in 2022, the USD remained the most-used currency for FX settlements. The euro and the Japanese yen came in second and third, respectively.” However, “the Chinese renminbi, though accounting for a relatively small share of FX transactions, gained the most ground over the last decade. Meanwhile, the euro and the yen saw decreases in use.”


Telegraph (May 15)

2024/ 05/ 17 by jd in Global News

Japan is “heaving with tourists like never before, and for local residents bearing the brunt, patience is wearing thin.” With open borders and “an enticingly weak yen,” overseas visitors topped 3 million for the first time. “The world’s most polite country” is now experimenting with a raft of measures from entrance fees, no go zones and view obstructing barriers.


The Economist (May 4)

2024/ 05/ 05 by jd in Global News

“It is easy for investors to lose a fortune in the financial markets—and even easier for governments.” When Japan tried to prop up the yen in 2022, the nation “spent more than $60bn of its foreign-exchange reserves,” but supporting a currency “is expensive and futile.” Since breaking the ¥160/$1 barrier, there are rumors of another intervention. As long as the giant interest rate gap exists with the U.S., Japan would be “wrong to try to prop up the yen.”


The Guardian (May 1)

2024/ 05/ 02 by jd in Global News

“As the declining population continues to impact Japan’s society and economy, the number of vacant houses has topped nine million – enough to accommodate the entire population of Australia at three people per dwelling.”


Investment Week (April 25)

2024/ 04/ 26 by jd in Global News

In the U.S., “sustainable funds suffered their “worst-ever quarter” for redemptions, shedding a record $8.8bn in the first quarter of 2024…. This marked the sixth consecutive month of outflows… and was over five-fold the withdrawals from Japanese sustainable funds, the only other region to record overall redemptions.” The ongoing politicization of ESG investing in the U.S. was among the drivers of the outflows.


The Hill (April 22)

2024/ 04/ 23 by jd in Global News

“Anyone doubting that China is well on its way to a Japanese-style lost economic decade has apparently missed the bursting of its massive housing and credit market bubble and the souring of U.S. and European trade relations with that country.” Make no mistake, China’s fall “would constitute a major headwind for world economic recovery.”


Bloomberg (April 10)

2024/ 04/ 11 by jd in Global News

“Global funds have turned optimistic on Japanese stocks over the past year, on expectation shareholder returns will improve.” Despite the booming Japan market, “Japanese startups have been turning to the US where institutional investors are more willing to bet on innovative technologies.” So it is no surprise that the NYSE “is actively engaged with a pipeline of Japanese companies, some of which may consider a US listing over the next 18 months.”


Wall Street Journal (April 8)

2024/ 04/ 09 by jd in Global News

“Japan knows the Ukraine stakes.” In contrast, U.S. critics, especially Republican members of Congress are wavering on Ukraine aid, suggesting “the war in Europe is a distraction from more serious threats in Asia.” Tokyo realizes “a Russian victory may encourage Chinese imperialism.” Hopefully, during his visit next week, Prime Minister Kishida “can disabuse” Republicans of their errant notion. His government’s foreign policy “reflects the seriousness of the current geopolitical moment. Japan recognizes that the threat to the well-being of free nations is global.”


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