Harvard Business Review (January 29)
“In the eyes of businesses, the UK has come to resemble an emerging market” with concerns about “political volatility, consistent market uncertainty, an unpredictable and fluctuating currency, and supply chain issues”…. Regardless of where the current Brexit talks lead, these issues plaguing the UK are likely to remain for years.”
Tags: Concerns, Currency, Emerging market, Market uncertainty, Political volatility, Supply chain, UK, Unpredictable
The New Yorker (January 28)
“In an era of social media and fake news, journalists who have survived the print plunge have new foes to face…. The more desperately the press chases readers, the more it resembles our politics.”
Tags: Desperate, Era, Fake news, Foe, Journalists, Politics, Print plunge, Readers, Social media
Financial Times (January 27)
“We can make a fresh start on Tuesday, and avoid the disaster of a no deal, by extending Article 50 to allow an honest reconsideration. Parliament and the people must level with one another about the detailed costs and benefits of EU membership and all sides must begin to recognise reality.”
Tags: Article 50, Benefits, Costs, Disaster, EU, Fresh start, Membership Reality, No-deal, Parliament, Reconsideration
Time (January 27)
“Germany gets more than a third of its electricity from burning coal,” but a government-panel “has recommended that Germany stop burning coal to generate electricity by 2038 at the latest, as part of efforts to curb climate change.” The proposal needs approval by lawmakers, but a recent ZDF opinion poll indicates strong public support: “73 percent of Germans agree a quick exit from coal is very important.”
Tags: 2038, Climate change, Coal, Electricity, Germany, Lawmakers, Public support, Quick exit
Washington Post (January 26)
President Trump now occupies “an extremely weak position.” Ending the shut down “only confirms what lawmakers have long suspected…. Trump repeatedly backs down from his public positions…. That’s a problem for the president going forward. The players expect that, with enough pressure, the president will again back down.”
Bloomberg (January 25)
Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is “ridiculous” on many fronts, but France’s recent $57 million fine of Google suggest much worse. If they are merely making “an example of Google,” this suggests “Europe intends to wield these rules — as it does so many others — to punish Silicon Valley giants and protect local rivals.” If on the other hand, they are planning to hit every company with crushing fines, that suggests even worse.
Tags: Crushing fines, Europe, France, GDPR, Google, Local rivals, Protect, Punish, Ridiculous, Silicon Valley
LA Times (January 24)
“Thank heavens for Berkeley.” The liberal enclave “was an early adopter of curbside recycling and banned polystyrene…30 years ago, way before it was hip to do so.” And now Berkeley is becoming “the first California city to take on the challenge of crafting a truly comprehensive plan to reduce single-use plastic trash.” The waste-reduction initiative Berkeley is enacting “could serve as the test case for other cities and states.” The liberal bastion has “answered the call to think beyond bags and straws.”
Tags: Bags, Ban, Berkeley, California, Curbside recycling, Early adopter, Liberal, Polystyrene, Single-use plastic, Straws, Trash, U.S., Waste-reduction
Economic Times (January 22)
“Two years after taking the oath of office, US President Donald Trump has made 8,158 false or misleading claims, according to The Washington Post’s database.” What’s more, he is picking up the tempo. “The President averaged nearly 5.9 false or misleading claims a day in his first year in office, but he hit he hit nearly 16.5 a day in his second year, almost triple the pace.”
Tags: Claims, False, Misleading, Oath, Pace, Trump, U.S., Washington Post
Time (January 22)
“Trump’s desperation for a North Korea deal may play into Kim’s hand.” An overeager Trump might sign a sweet sounding, but dangerous, peace agreement that leaves the region more war prone, especially if it removes the rationale for stationing U.S. troops nearby. “What does this mean for South Korea? Worst case scenario is that it’s left exposed and isolated by the U.S. with a fanatical foe just miles away.”
Tags: Dangerous, Deal, Desperation, Exposed, Isolated, Kim, North Korea, Overeager, Peace, South Korea, Troops, Trump, U.S., War
South China Morning Post (January 22)
“Trump’s aggressive trade actions have also made investors much more sensitive to China’s domestic economic woes, a development which Trump doubtless views as a sign that his administration is winning the trade war but which has backfired due to the adverse spillover effects on America’s economy and markets…. A trade truce, should one materialise, has come too late.”
Tags: Aggressive, Backfired, China, Economy, Investors, Markets, Sensitive, Trade war, Truce, Trump, U.S.