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The Economist (June 19)

2024/ 06/ 21 by jd in Global News

“Rising temperatures in the Arctic are slowly opening up new possibilities for transport.” Geopolitical stakes are also rising in the region. “China’s support for Russia is fuelling Western distrust of the Asian power’s ‘polar silk road’ plans. But China is not retreating from the Arctic. It still sees a chance to boost its influence there, and to benefit from the area’s wealth of natural resources.”


Wall Street Journal (May 30)

2024/ 06/ 01 by jd in Global News

“Unprecedented finance and trade restrictions on Russia, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, China and other authoritarian regimes have squeezed those economies by curbing access to Western goods and markets. But Beijing has increasingly foiled those U.S.-led efforts by bolstering trade ties…. The bloc of sanctioned nations collectively now have the economy of scale to shield them from Washington’s financial warfare, trading everything from drones and missiles to gold and oil.”


Wall Street Journal (April 27)

2024/ 04/ 29 by jd in Global News

Exxon and Chevron “are still printing big profits, but their postpandemic run of record earnings is slowing down.” After gyrating with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, “oil-and-gas supplies have largely stabilized… and analysts say companies such as Exxon—the western world’s largest oil refiner—will have to prove it can keep costs down and production up if the benefits of external market forces continue to ebb.”


Wall Street Journal (April 8)

2024/ 04/ 09 by jd in Global News

“Japan knows the Ukraine stakes.” In contrast, U.S. critics, especially Republican members of Congress are wavering on Ukraine aid, suggesting “the war in Europe is a distraction from more serious threats in Asia.” Tokyo realizes “a Russian victory may encourage Chinese imperialism.” Hopefully, during his visit next week, Prime Minister Kishida “can disabuse” Republicans of their errant notion. His government’s foreign policy “reflects the seriousness of the current geopolitical moment. Japan recognizes that the threat to the well-being of free nations is global.”


Reuters (December 23)

2023/ 12/ 24 by jd in Global News

In 2024, “the global trade war will shift from fossil fuels to metals and raw materials. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine highlighted the risk of relying on autocratic states for energy. Even if Europe’s gas crisis eases, Western manufacturers’ focus will switch to reducing China’s dominance in materials key to a cleaner economy.”


New York Times (November 1)

2023/ 11/ 03 by jd in Global News

“After shocks from the pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, there’s little cushion if the fighting between Hamas and Israel becomes a regional conflict.” An escalation would cloud “the global economy’s outlook, threatening to dampen growth and reignite a rise in energy and food prices.” An escalation would also mark the first time the world has dealt with two simultaneous energy shocks.


Wall Street Journal (September 6)

2023/ 09/ 07 by jd in Global News

Vladimir Putin’s meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un “underscores the global nature of the threat to U.S. interests.” Indeed, the Japanese Prime Minister’s visit to Kyiv this spring was partly “because America’s allies in Asia understand that Ukraine isn’t a distant squabble. Russia has its own Pacific ambitions, including militarizing the Kuril Islands, some of which Japan also claims. A Russia that prevails in Ukraine will provoke elsewhere. Mr. Putin is also the junior partner to the neighborhood’s No. 1 threat: The Chinese Communist Party.”


The Guardian (August 10)

2023/ 08/ 11 by jd in Global News

“China’s attempt to hold together conflicting interests on the war in Ukraine – maintaining its ‘no limits’ partnership with Russia, without damaging its relationship with western nations and its tarnished global brand too greatly – has proved awkward.” Beijing’s gestures “should not be mistaken for a substantive shift in position. But they should not be ignored either.” (July 2)

2023/ 07/ 03 by jd in Global News

“Oil prices settled down 1% on Monday as worries about a slowing global economy and possible U.S. interest-rate hikes outweighed supply cuts announced for August by top exporters Saudi Arabia and Russia.”


Financial Times (April 28)

2023/ 04/ 29 by jd in Global News

“Deprived of investment opportunities abroad, Russians have piled their savings into the likes of Lukoil, Gazprom and Sberbank, which combined account for about 40 per cent of the stock market’s total value.” Marking a rebound, “Russia’s stock market has climbed to its highest level in more than a year as domestic retail investors with nowhere else to go snap up the dividend-paying stocks that sold off heavily following the invasion of Ukraine”.


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