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South China Morning Post (June 28)

2024/ 06/ 30 by jd in Global News

“Facing major obstacles in developed countries, many Chinese car manufacturers have already pivoted to emerging markets such as Latin America. In 2023, Chinese cars accounted for 19.5 per cent of all car sales in Mexico, compared with only 6.4 per cent in 2019.”


Investment Week (June 27)

2024/ 06/ 29 by jd in Global News

“The decision by The London Tunnels to list on the Euronext Amsterdam took the industry somewhat by surprise considering the company had set out plans in January to float on the London Stock Exchange…. The move left industry players split as to what the rationale behind shunning London for a European market may actually be,” and whether it simply because it’s a “novelty investment” or constitutes “another loss” for the LSE.


Washington Post (June 26)

2024/ 06/ 28 by jd in Global News

“This summer marks 4½ years since covid-19 altered the meaning and location of work for many Americans. Most people are back at their place of employment…. But government workers remain largely at home, so much so that 17 out of 24 federal agencies were using only about one-quarter of their headquarters’ office space last summer.”


Traders Magazine (June 26)

2024/ 06/ 27 by jd in Global News

Companies may find ways to effectively “use artificial intelligence themselves on their compliance, obligations to the [Securities and Exchange] Commission and look at unstructured data and look at chat and look at email and look at all these other things that they haven’t been able to do.” This could conceivably allow companies to spot issues earlier or stop them from arising.


The Guardian (June 24)

2024/ 06/ 26 by jd in Global News

Emmanuel Macron “opted to call the French electorate’s bluff, calculating that the prospect of a radical-right prime minister in the Élysée would ‘clarify’ its thinking. A week away from the first round of a poll whose consequences will reverberate around Europe, this reckless gamble shows no sign at all of paying off.”


Wall Street Journal (June 24)

2024/ 06/ 25 by jd in Global News

“Food-delivery apps responded to cities’ new wage increase requirements for gig workers by ratcheting up fees. Now, they are contending with frustrated consumers, plunging restaurant orders and an exodus of delivery drivers.” In response, Seattle plans to roll back the tighter regulation based on “outcry from drivers and restaurants over its devastating” effect.


New York Times (June 22)

2024/ 06/ 24 by jd in Global News

“With billions of dollars in trade at stake, China and the European Union have agreed to engage in talks to try to resolve an escalating dispute over tariffs.” To block the threatened tariffs on electric vehicles, “Beijing would need to persuade a majority of European Union countries, representing at least 65 percent of the bloc’s population, to overrule the European Commission” and it is expected to strategically target Germany, France, Italy and other key countries.


Fortune (June 21)

2024/ 06/ 23 by jd in Global News

“Nvidia became the world’s most valuable company” earlier this week. Moreover, Nvidia’s market cap of $3.35 trillion “single-handedly eclipses all of Europe’s stock markets in market capitalization.” According to Deutsche Bank, “the chipmaker’s valuation outstrips that of all listed stocks in Europe’s major business hubs—Germany, France, and the U.K.” Currently the “only markets whose listed shares are collectively larger than Nvidia’s are those of the U.S., India, China, and Japan”


Reuters (June 20)

2024/ 06/ 22 by jd in Global News

“At least 562 people have died during the haj.” As bad as that is, “climate scientists say such deaths offer a glimpse of what is to come for the tens of millions of Muslims expected in coming decades to undertake the haj,” especially from the 2040s, when the Haj will again “coincide with the peak of summer in Saudi Arabia.” Given impact of climate change, “the situation will get much worse as the world warms.”


The Economist (June 19)

2024/ 06/ 21 by jd in Global News

“Rising temperatures in the Arctic are slowly opening up new possibilities for transport.” Geopolitical stakes are also rising in the region. “China’s support for Russia is fuelling Western distrust of the Asian power’s ‘polar silk road’ plans. But China is not retreating from the Arctic. It still sees a chance to boost its influence there, and to benefit from the area’s wealth of natural resources.”


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