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New York Times (June 22)

2024/ 06/ 24 by jd in Global News

“With billions of dollars in trade at stake, China and the European Union have agreed to engage in talks to try to resolve an escalating dispute over tariffs.” To block the threatened tariffs on electric vehicles, “Beijing would need to persuade a majority of European Union countries, representing at least 65 percent of the bloc’s population, to overrule the European Commission” and it is expected to strategically target Germany, France, Italy and other key countries.


Automotive News Europe (June 12)

2024/ 06/ 13 by jd in Global News

“European automakers are being challenged by an influx of lower-cost EVs from Chinese rivals,” which have surged in popularity, with their EU market share rising to 8% (from less than 1% in 2019), and potential to reach 15% in 2025. Still, Mercedes, BMW and VW all lined up against the EU’s new 38% tariff on EVs exported from China because “China is a key profit center” for the German automakers who “could face counter measures in China.”


Forbes (May 19)

2024/ 05/ 22 by jd in Global News

“The Biden administration said this week the U.S will quadruple tariffs on Chinese EVs in a move aimed at protecting American workers and businesses from unfair Chinese trade practices.” Some think this will provide a lifeline, but at least one auto industry executive believes “the increase won’t help the long-term staying power of the industry or its jobs.” Instead, the “capitulation to the status quo” will “condemn” the U.S. auto industry “to a slow but certain death” as the rest of the industry moves “toward technology that doesn’t rely on oil.”


New York Times (May 14)

2024/ 05/ 16 by jd in Global News

President Biden unveiled “a wave of new tariffs on billions of dollars in Chinese products, ramping up duties on industries like electric cars and solar energy that are core to his economic agenda.” The new duties cover roughly $18 billion of annual Chinese imports and are in addition to the $300 billion worth of Chinese imports already covered by existing tariffs. The new tariffs will “appeal to voters in battleground states,” but it’s unclear if they will be “enough to rebuild America’s industrial base in a global race with China to lead in the new economy.”


AP (May 13)

2024/ 05/ 14 by jd in Global News

“The rapid emergence of low-priced EVs from China could shake up the global auto industry in ways not seen since Japanese makers exploded on the scene during the oil crises of the 1970s. BYD, which stands for ‘Build Your Dreams,’ could be a nightmare for the U.S. auto industry.” So far tariffs have shielded the U.S. market, but “Detroit needs to quickly re-learn a lot of design and engineering to keep up while shedding practices from a century of building vehicles.”


The Economist (February 3)

2024/ 02/ 04 by jd in Global News

Between 2012 and 2022, half of the Americans who adopted EVs and PHEVs were “living in the 10% of counties with the highest proportion of Democratic voters.” Polarization may best the biggest obstacle limiting “the American market for electric vehicles.” Polarization “is cursing not only America’s politics but, increasingly, its culture and marketplace.”


Wall Street Journal (January 3)

2024/ 01/ 04 by jd in Global News

“Chinese automaker BYD for the first time topped Tesla as the world’s largest seller of electric vehicles on a quarterly basis, a sign of China’s emerging strength in the global market for battery-powered cars…. The Chinese rival’s ascent in the global pecking order has put new pressure on Tesla at a time when the U.S. electric-car maker is already leaning on steep price cuts to juice its sales.”


Wall Street Journal (November 20)

2023/ 11/ 20 by jd in Global News

“America’s spendthrift relationship with electric vehicles has lost some spark. It will take new generations of products to rekindle the romance on tighter budgets…. Whether or not adoption of EVs in the U.S. is actually stalling—the jury is out—it is clearly weaker than manufacturers were anticipating.” Average prices of EVs fell to “about $52,000 in October, down from around $65,000 a year ago” with U.S. sales levelling out at “around the 100,000-a-month mark.”


South China Morning Post (September 16)

2023/ 09/ 17 by jd in Global News

“The European Union is scrambling to answer SOS calls from its hi-tech industries to fend off the challenge of China’s manufacturing juggernaut. From electric vehicles (EVs) and solar panels to wind turbines and hi-tech batteries, European businesses say they are being eaten alive by Chinese imports sold well below market rates.”


Financial Times (September 15)

2023/ 09/ 16 by jd in Global News

Internal combustion engines “are on their way out,” while sales of EVs “are set to increase worldwide from about 10mn in 2022 to about 14mn in 2023, or 18 per cent of all cars sold.” This partly explains legacy carmakers low valuations, but the switch also lowers barriers to entry. “Chinese imports already account for about 15 per cent of EVs sold on the continent,” with Chinese automakers hoping to seize more of “a $130bn revenue opportunity by 2030.”


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