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Reuters (July 12)

2024/ 07/ 14 by jd in Global News

“For Wall Street, the coming White House race, which currently pits Biden against former President Donald Trump, offers a singularly unappetizing menu. November’s election will present voters with a choice between two possible administrations, neither of which looks much like the moderate, business-friendly centrism under which the financial sector tends to thrive. It’s an unenviable choice.”


New York Times (May 14)

2024/ 05/ 16 by jd in Global News

President Biden unveiled “a wave of new tariffs on billions of dollars in Chinese products, ramping up duties on industries like electric cars and solar energy that are core to his economic agenda.” The new duties cover roughly $18 billion of annual Chinese imports and are in addition to the $300 billion worth of Chinese imports already covered by existing tariffs. The new tariffs will “appeal to voters in battleground states,” but it’s unclear if they will be “enough to rebuild America’s industrial base in a global race with China to lead in the new economy.”


The Economist (February 3)

2024/ 02/ 04 by jd in Global News

Between 2012 and 2022, half of the Americans who adopted EVs and PHEVs were “living in the 10% of counties with the highest proportion of Democratic voters.” Polarization may best the biggest obstacle limiting “the American market for electric vehicles.” Polarization “is cursing not only America’s politics but, increasingly, its culture and marketplace.”


Washington Post (November 17)

2022/ 11/ 18 by jd in Global News

“Republican officials seem to be hoping that their voters will do their dirty work for them and deliver them from Trump — reversing the usual roles of leaders and followers. But it won’t work. The party must put an end to its moral cowardice and finally and frontally confront the cancer within.” These officials must “explain to their voters that Trump is a demagogue who tried to undermine American democracy.”


Washington Post (October 24)

2022/ 10/ 26 by jd in Global News

“Tax hikes and macroeconomic discipline won’t be enough. To persuade both investors and voters to believe in post-Brexit Britain, Sunak needs a convincing growth agenda. Since tax cuts are unaffordable, that agenda must consist of regulatory reform. Sunak must be as bold on microeconomic strategy as he is on macro.”


Foreign Policy (November 24)

2021/ 11/ 26 by jd in Global News

“The pro-business Free Democratic Party is about to wield power in Berlin, thanks to the country’s youngest voters—but doesn’t yet know what it wants.” Whether the voters will ultimately “regret their choice is an open question. All of the party’s appeals to philosophical traditions and grand concepts have left more open questions than concrete approaches to governing,” but skyrocketing COVID-19 cases will increase the urgency to produce “concrete proposals for governance.”


San Francisco Chronicle (September 16)

2021/ 09/ 17 by jd in Global News

Governor Newsom’s “overwhelming victory in Tuesday’s recall election was, on most levels, cause for celebration. A loss would have been a disaster for the state at a time it could least afford it.” As Trump’s grip loosens, the ex-President remains “a pustule on the face of the nation,” but is no longer “even the biggest pockmark in his home state of Florida.” This recall sham was “perpetrated by a party that would rather play dirty tricks than adjust its policies to the 21st century. And voters knew it.”


The Week (October 29)

2020/ 10/ 31 by jd in Global News

“The president has precious little time to turn around the fortunes of his re-election campaign,” but he instead seems “bent on alienating as many voters as possible in the campaign’s closing days by flouting public health guidelines, babbling convoluted innuendo about Hunter Biden, and ignoring the increasingly desperate plight of Americans teetering on the edge of disaster.”


The Guardian (October 23)

2020/ 10/ 24 by jd in Global News

“This is Donald Trump’s America. It’s no wonder he doesn’t want to answer for it. What’s stunning, though, is the degree to which he has simply given up on articulating any plan for the future – and that he’s so sure voters won’t care.”


Wall Street Journal (October 14)

2020/ 10/ 16 by jd in Global News

“The two economies will be factors driving the choices voters make in November. The reality for Mr. Trump: Many achievements of his first economy have been wiped out by the second.” The post-Covid economy was “historically bad. It sent unemployment to depths unseen in post-Depression records before reversing itself quickly but only partially, leaving the U.S. with an outlook that’s especially hard to forecast.”


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