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Wall Street Journal (April 8)

2024/ 04/ 09 by jd in Global News

“Japan knows the Ukraine stakes.” In contrast, U.S. critics, especially Republican members of Congress are wavering on Ukraine aid, suggesting “the war in Europe is a distraction from more serious threats in Asia.” Tokyo realizes “a Russian victory may encourage Chinese imperialism.” Hopefully, during his visit next week, Prime Minister Kishida “can disabuse” Republicans of their errant notion. His government’s foreign policy “reflects the seriousness of the current geopolitical moment. Japan recognizes that the threat to the well-being of free nations is global.”


Professional Pensions (March 27)

2024/ 03/ 28 by jd in Global News

“Market turmoil, inflation shocks, high interest rates, and rolling geopolitical crises spurred many investors to stay on the sidelines last year” across all asset classes. “Yet investor appetite remains strong,” especially for real assets. “Globally, nearly two-thirds of investors expect to increase their allocation to real assets over the next two years, with investors in Asia most likely to add to their portfolios.”


CNN (March 18)

2024/ 03/ 20 by jd in Global News

“All but one of the 100 cities with the world’s worst air pollution last year were in Asia… with the climate crisis playing a pivotal role in bad air quality that is risking the health of billions of people worldwide.” Of these, 83 cities “were in India and all exceeded the World Health Organization’s air quality guidelines” for PM2.5 “by more than 10 times.”


Time (March 1)

2024/ 03/ 02 by jd in Global News

“Until the 1970s, women in the most prosperous Asian economies like South Korea, Japan, and China were having more than five children on average. Today, that trend is starkly different.” And not just in Asia. Globally, “fertility rates have decreased worldwide” for seven decades. “Even in the most advanced economies, the rate is now 1.6 children per couple, compared to the recommended rate of 2.1 for countries wanting to keep a steady population without any migration.”


Financial Times (February 1)

2024/ 02/ 02 by jd in Global News

“Mounting losses from banks in the US, Asia and Europe have rekindled concerns about weakness in the US commercial property market, a sector that has been under pressure from lower occupancy levels and higher interest rates.” This week New York Community Bancorp, Aozora Bank and Deutsche Bank each warned of related risks or recognized losses, which “mark the latest fallout from the… dual problems of fewer people working in offices since the pandemic and more expensive borrowing costs.”


Financial Times (November 15)

2023/ 11/ 15 by jd in Global News

“One of Asia’s sleepiest investment sectors has outperformed tech stocks.” Share prices have soared at Japanese banks and their earnings now “confirm the prescience of that rally…. Earnings at Japan’s five biggest banking groups rose 56 per cent to a record of about ¥2tn ($13bn).” Higher spreads and buybacks are part of the equation, “but the biggest driver of the rally has been rising hopes that the central bank may end its ultra-easy monetary policy soon.”


Wall Street Journal (September 6)

2023/ 09/ 07 by jd in Global News

Vladimir Putin’s meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un “underscores the global nature of the threat to U.S. interests.” Indeed, the Japanese Prime Minister’s visit to Kyiv this spring was partly “because America’s allies in Asia understand that Ukraine isn’t a distant squabble. Russia has its own Pacific ambitions, including militarizing the Kuril Islands, some of which Japan also claims. A Russia that prevails in Ukraine will provoke elsewhere. Mr. Putin is also the junior partner to the neighborhood’s No. 1 threat: The Chinese Communist Party.”


The Korea Economic Daily (June 15)

2023/ 06/ 16 by jd in Global News

“Everything Asian policymakers were sure they knew about 2023 is going sideways.” When the year opened, “conventional wisdom” expected “Chinese growth would help the region make up for lost economic time.” Now the worry “is about deflation risks as factory-gate prices go negative” with consumer prices in China “on the verge of contraction.” Its exports are “cratering,” but China’s falling imports are “the bigger problem for Korea, and Asia more broadly.” In May, China’s imports fell by 4.5%, “dampening hopes that post-pandemic ‘revenge spending’ by 1.4 billion Chinese would propel Asian growth sharply higher.”


Newsweek (April 30)

2023/ 04/ 30 by jd in Global News

“Familiar alarm bells sounded in Japan this month as year-end population figures and new projections combined to paint an uncertain future for Asia’s No. 2 economy.” The latest figures show a “12th consecutive annual decline” with the nation’s population standing “at 124.94 million for the year to October, a decrease of over half a million people from 2021.” Moreover, “the working population, aged 15 to 64, fell to 74.2 million, and those above 65 reached 36.23 million—both respective records.” Japan is approaching the “point of no return.”


WARC (March 2)

2023/ 03/ 04 by jd in Global News

“Experimentation and new thinking are the driving force for effective marketing in Asia.” WARC recent report finds that “brands across Asia changed and adapted their strategies post-pandemic, showing a spirit of experimentation and new thinking in order to remain relevant to consumer behaviour changes.”


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