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Financial Times (September 28)

2023/ 09/ 30 by jd in Global News

“Another tediously pointless, economically debilitating and teeth-gratingly stupid US government shutdown is looming. Goldman Sachs now reckons that there is now a 90 per cent chance it starts this Sunday.”


Institutional Inevestor (September 27)

2023/ 09/ 29 by jd in Global News

“For the past year, the prevailing narrative in the commercial real estate market is that the staying power of the hybrid work model — and the failure of several prominent real estate lender banks — has caused valuations to tumble.” In contrast, Willis Towers Watson is protesting “the death of commercial real estate has been overblown.” For starters, the vacancy issue has mainly affected “office space, rather than other commercial real estate subsectors.” Moreover, the dreaded “wall of maturities” that will sink the commercial real estate market is a myth. While many commercial real estate loans are “maturing this year, there are mechanisms to get around potential defaults, including loan extensions.”


South China Morning Post (September 26)

2023/ 09/ 28 by jd in Global News

“Foreign investors are returning to Japan’s property market in their droves, attracted by the weak yen and an economic recovery fuelled by the buoyant logistics and hospitality sectors, according to a new report.” Singapore investors are leading the charge with property investments totaling “nearly US$3 billion spent from January to September, eclipsing the around US$2.5 billion from the US, and some US$1 billion from Canada.” Japan’s “mild inflation and favourable financing costs” are also adding to the attraction.


Bloomberg (September 25)

2023/ 09/ 27 by jd in Global News

“China is the biggest buyer of Australian goods from iron ore to coal and food products and a windfall from recent elevated commodity prices helped Canberra report its first budget surplus in 15 years. If Chinese demand were to weaken, it would lower those prices and slim Australia’s trade surpluses, or even return it to deficits.” The Council of Financial Regulators (CFR) found that “The impact of a deeper economic deterioration in China will be mainly felt in Australia through weaker trade and reduced risk appetite in financial markets.”


Wall Street Journal (September 24)

2023/ 09/ 26 by jd in Global News

“America’s billionaires love Japanese stocks. Why don’t the Japanese?” Despite enthusiasm from overseas, “there are few signs its estimated 125 million residents share in the excitement. Burned by dismal returns since the bursting of Japan’s asset bubble in the late 1980s and early 1990s, generations of families here have stashed most of their money in low-yielding savings accounts rather than trying to increase their wealth through the stock market.”


Reuters (September 23)

2023/ 09/ 25 by jd in Global News

“China’s population of 1.4 billion would not be enough to fill all the empty apartments littered across the country,” according to a former official “in a rare public critique of the country’s crisis-hit property market.” Official data shows approximately 7.2 million homes, but that excludes “the numerous residential projects that have already been sold but not yet completed” and speculatively purchased homes that remain vacant. Estimates vary, but “He Keng, a former deputy head of the statistics bureau,” estimates there aren’t enough people to fill China’s available housing inventory.


Guardian (September 21)

2023/ 09/ 24 by jd in Global News

“Europe’s apparent rightwards drift is not a fait accompli. But there is a risk that, as mainstream parties accommodate more and more of the radical right’s agenda, it becomes one. Years of austerity, followed by the pandemic and the Ukraine-related cost of living crisis, have led to chronic economic insecurity for less well-off Europeans. That has created an opening for ugly political movements and populist leaders to exploit.”


Bloomberg (September 21)

2023/ 09/ 23 by jd in Global News

“The value of the yen has slumped to the lowest on record, as measured against a broad basket of its peers and adjusted for inflation,” the Bank for International Settlements found based on data from 1970 onward. This serves to “underscore the pressure on the Bank of Japan to normalize its ultra-easy monetary regime, which continues to weigh down the nation’s interest rates and weaken the currency. The drop in the so-called real effective exchange rate means Japanese have to pay more for imported goods and services at a time when wage growth is failing to compensate for inflation.”


Washington Post (September 21)

2023/ 09/ 22 by jd in Global News

“The number of previously occupied homes sold in the United States dropped by 21 percent over the past year…. That’s on top of an 18 percent annual decline the year before, indicating the housing market has continued to slow down amid rising interest rates. Meanwhile, prices continued to rise, with the median sales price climbing 3.9 percent from a year ago to reach $407,100.”


Wall Street Journal (September 20)

2023/ 09/ 21 by jd in Global News

“China’s economic and technological strength dwarfs that of the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Since 1885 the U.S. has never faced a competitor or group of competitors with a gross domestic product greater than 40% of our own. China’s economy is likely at least 75% of ours. It also has a larger navy (even more so in its home waters) and a shipbuilding capability that far exceeds ours.”


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