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Guardian (September 21)

2023/ 09/ 24 by jd in Global News

“Europe’s apparent rightwards drift is not a fait accompli. But there is a risk that, as mainstream parties accommodate more and more of the radical right’s agenda, it becomes one. Years of austerity, followed by the pandemic and the Ukraine-related cost of living crisis, have led to chronic economic insecurity for less well-off Europeans. That has created an opening for ugly political movements and populist leaders to exploit.”


The Economist (September 7)

2019/ 09/ 09 by jd in Global News

Argentina’s reimposition of currency controls “confirms the horrible reality that Argentina has once again become a financial outcast.” Most are quick to blame the current president Mauricio Macri. “In fact much of the blame for Mr Macri’s failure lies with his populist predecessor, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, who …. left behind a gaping budget deficit, artificially low utility prices, statistics that were brazenly manipulated and ruinously high public spending.”


Washington Post (September 3)

2019/ 09/ 04 by jd in Global News

“Prime Minister Boris Johnson, under public assault for his scheme to suspend Parliament to push through a no-deal Brexit, has now lost his majority.” This is typical of the “right-wing populist canard,” which works best in the minority. “Being snake oil salesmen and anti-government nihilists,” they “don’t know how to fix much of anything, and after all the huffing and puffing, the public gets the idea the populist cult leader is an incompetent charlatan.” While in this case it’s Johnson, Trump’s turn will come. “The lessons here for the United States are not hard to discern.”


Fund Strategy (June 1)

2017/ 06/ 03 by jd in Global News

“European sceptics are being forced to acknowledge the recovery in a region that they have failed to understand politically, as the eurozone enjoys positive PMIs and employment figures while rejecting populist politics…. April saw the fifth largest allocation shift from US to European equities since the start of the eurozone in 1999.”


Financial Times (December 31)

2017/ 01/ 01 by jd in Global News

“After December’s No vote in the Italian referendum, the rise of Donald Trump and the British vote to leave the EU, it appears that the political landscape of the developed world is being redesigned by the victims of globalisation and technological change. Anger towards political elites is pervasive. Yet a few rage-free zones remain, of which Japan is the most conspicuous.” Japan’s “immunity from the populist political tide remains remarkable.”


CNN (November 10)

2016/ 11/ 11 by jd in Global News

“Donald Trump’s populist campaign didn’t always square with his past statements. And that makes his agenda as president anybody’s guess.” His fluid positions “could give the businessman an edge in making legislative deals…. Or it could halt action in Washington completely if he finds himself at odds with both Republicans and Democrats.”


Wall Street Journal (May 26)

2014/ 05/ 27 by jd in Global News

Populist, anti-EU candidates did well in the recent election for European Parliament. Nowhere more so than France where Marine Le Pen’s National Front party swept by both the Socialists and the Gaullists. Compared with “the milder populist advances elsewhere in the European vote, France produced a spectacle of nihilism that damages the West and delights Vladimir Putin.”

