Institutional Investor (January 29)
“There will be no interest rate increase from the FOMC before December 2015.” Even though the Federal Reserve has indicated a mid-year increase, Institutional Investor believes this will be delayed. Members of the Federal Open Markets Committee “are acutely aware of the asymmetry of risk around the timing of rate hikes. That is, the cost of raising rates too soon—and stifling a domestic-focused, consumer-driven economic recovery—is viewed as considerably higher than the cost of raising rates too late.”
Tags: Asymmetry, Economic recovery, Federal Reserve, FOMC, Increase, Interest rates, Risk, Timing
Financial Times (January 29)
“Much more than the fate of Mr Goto hangs in the balance. Japan’s foreign policy, rooted in its pacifist constitution, stands at a tipping point. How the public reacts to the fate of Mr Goto could have a big influence on where things go from here.”
Tags: Constitution, Fate, Foreign policy, Goto, Influence, Japan, Pacifist, Tipping point
Bloomberg (January 27)
“Debt forgiveness tied to pro-growth economic reforms would help” both Greece and Germany. Europe’s most powerful nation would actually stand “to gain a lot. Its refusal to countenance further debt relief is economically damaging and politically dangerous. For its own sake, Germany should think again.”
Tags: Debt, Europe, Forgiveness, Germany, Greece, Pro-growth, Reforms, Relief
Washington Post (January 26)
The economic crisis may be over for the United States, “but for most other countries, not so much. Their recoveries are faltering. The obvious question is whether the global weakness will infect the U.S. expansion.”
Wall Street Journal (January 26)
While the Greeks are likely to remain in the eurozone, “the Syriza victory is nonetheless a rebuke to European leaders. Greeks believe, not unreasonably, that the conditions imposed by the troika have been disastrous.” Rather than “promoting pro-growth reforms,” the European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund imposed measures focused on “draconian fiscal tightening.” The result was predictable: “falling wages and pensions and rising taxes, with no growth in return for the pain.”
Tags: Draconian, ECB, European Commission, European leaders, eurozone, Fiscal tightening, Greek, Growth, IMF, Pensions, Reforms, Syriza, Taxes, Victory, Wages
Los Angeles Times (January 25)
We mustn’t forget that any solution to climate change is centrally linked to limiting population growth. “It is not a sustainable scenario to keep producing larger young populations. Our finite planet cannot host infinite growth. It’s already showing the strain.” Family-planning programs can “make a real difference, both in slowing the rate of warming and in helping vulnerable nations adapt to its effects.”
New York Times (January 24)
Given the struggles of ordinary Greeks amid a still flailing economy, “the only surprise in the rise of the left-wing Syriza party, which is expected to come in first in Sunday’s general election, is that it has taken so long for an anti-austerity party to come to the fore.”
The Economist (January 23)
The death of King Abdullah “could hardly have come at a more challenging time for Saudi Arabia.” His successor “King Salman has inherited a realm that is the world’s top oil exporter at a time when prices have plunged; is home to Islam’s holiest sites of Mecca and Medina at a time when jihadist violence is at a peak; and has been dragged into turmoil in the region.”
Tags: Islam, Jihadist, King Abdullah, King Salman, Mecca, Medina, Oil, Prices, Saudi Arabia, Successor, Turmoil, Violence
Financial Times (January 23)
“It has taken far too long for the European Central Bank to embark on quantitative easing but its belated action is no less welcome.” ECB president Mario Draghi unveiled a massive program to purchase eurozone bonds through 2016 to help counter the threat of deflation. “There is no doubt that Mr Draghi needed to act. Growth and underlying inflation have been relentlessly weak, providing clear evidence that demand in the eurozone is faltering.”
Tags: Bonds, Deflation, ECB, eurozone, Growth, Inflation, Mario Draghi, Quantitative easing
USA Today (January 21)
While the manifold challenges we face today “may be obvious, how to resolve them is less clear. In the past you would have looked in the boardrooms or parliaments of the world for solutions.” Today, as the face and style of leadership morphs, “solutions can be found in the minds of a new generation of leaders who have realized that the nature of leadership and power are changing.”
Tags: Boardrooms, Challenges, Leadership, Parliaments, Power, Solutions