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New York Times (August 12)

2021/ 08/ 14 by jd in Global News

The fires ravaging Evia, Greece’s second-largest island “seem less a random act of God than another inevitable episode of Europe’s extreme weather brought on by the man-made climate change that scientists have now concluded is irreversible.”


Time (April 22)

2020/ 04/ 24 by jd in Global News

“Greece has an elderly population and a fragile economy,” but despite being a tourist mecca has somehow “escaped the worst of the coronavirus so far….with only 2,245 confirmed cases and 116 deaths as of April 21, one of the lowest counts in the European Union.” Some of this may be luck, but experts are attributing the early imposition of stringent “measures, and the way Greeks have largely abided by them.”


Independent (August 20)

2018/ 08/ 21 by jd in Global News

“The end of the Greek bailout is a reminder, however, that for the EU as a whole enormous tests remain with or without Britain: both as a consequence of the economic uncertainties that continue to plague much of the continent; and as a result of the ongoing need to define the European Union’s status and purpose to the satisfaction of its members, and their own populations.”


Ekathimerini (August 19)

2018/ 08/ 20 by jd in Global News

“Greece’s formal exit from the bailout program does not mean that the country has reached the end of an era and is turning over a brand-new leaf.” During the next phase, Greece will require “even more determination and discipline to meet stringent targets and push through more reforms that will help it get back on its feet.”


Wall Street Journal (May 3)

2017/ 05/ 04 by jd in Global News

“In a year filled with European elections, no one wants another debt crisis—even if this requires pretending that Greek politicians will implement pro-growth reforms they’ve repeatedly shunned.” To reach a tentative agreement, “Athens has agreed to make certain reforms in exchange for an approximately €7 billion disbursement from a 2015 bailout package so Greece can meet July debt repayments.” Once again, the can is kicked a little further down the road. “The one certainty is that Greece and its creditors will be back at the same stand a year from now.”


Financial Times (February 13)

2017/ 02/ 13 by jd in Global News

“Greece is as sick as ever and its agony goes on and on….  Barring wholly improbable changes in the politics of European crisis management, Greece will earn the unwanted distinction by late 2019 of having spent more of its eurozone existence in an intensive care unit than outside.”


New York Times (May 30)

2016/ 05/ 30 by jd in Global News

Though European leaders are congratulating themselves for the latest debt agreement for Greece, “there is little to celebrate. Greece is bankrupt in all but name…. The reality is that Greece can’t be squeezed any harder.” The latest agreement is more of the same. “This crisis will never end if European leaders keep pushing policies that have repeatedly failed.”


The Economist (November 14)

2015/ 11/ 15 by jd in Global News

The Great Recession has morphed into the never ending crisis. Over the past decade, we’ve seen fallout from the U.S. housing crisis, the Euro crisis brought on by Greece, and now “a third instalment in the chronicles of debt is now unfolding. This time the setting is emerging markets. Investors have already dumped assets in the developing world, but the full agony of the slowdown still lies ahead.”


Institutional Investor (August 10)

2015/ 08/ 12 by jd in Global News

Greece’s ongoing problem “seems to have been kicked down the road yet again—as ever, the question is, For how long?…. Early elections could quickly bring the issue back into market focus.”


New York Times (July 26)

2015/ 07/ 27 by jd in Global News

“While the eurozone may have temporarily avoided a Greek exit, it is hard to see how a deal that requires more spending cuts, higher taxes and only vague promises of debt relief can restore the crippled economy enough to keep Greece in the currency union.”


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