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Wall Street Journal (November 28)

2022/ 12/ 01 by jd in Global News

“Mr. Trump isn’t going to change, and the next two years will inevitably feature many more such damaging episodes. Republicans who continue to go along for the ride with Mr. Trump are teeing themselves up for disaster in 2024.”


Wall Street Journal (November 10)

2022/ 11/ 11 by jd in Global News

“If Donald Trump announces he’s running for president again, the 2024 election is over.” He is “the Republican Party’s biggest loser” having “flopped in 2018, 2020, 2021 and 2022.” Donald Trump “has led Republicans into one political fiasco after another.” Perhaps now that “Mr. Trump has botched the 2022 elections,” Republicans will finally be “sick and tired of losing.”


The Week (November 9)

2022/ 11/ 10 by jd in Global News

“Republicans were expecting a ‘red wave’ on Election Day, with the typical gains for the out-of-power party turbo-charged by high inflation and economic malaise. That wave did not materialize, and ‘many pundits and journalists across the spectrum pointed their fingers at former President [Donald] Trump.’”


Reuters (January 14)

2021/ 01/ 16 by jd in Global News

“Firms from JPMorgan to AT&T are rethinking political donations after last week’s Capitol violence…. The storming of the seat of U.S. government has spurred a sea change in corporate America. AT&T, the biggest company spender in the last election cycle… is suspending political donations to Republican lawmakers who objected without evidence to the November presidential election, in which Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump. Others, like JPMorgan, paused their giving altogether to reassess their strategy.”


USA Today (January 6)

2021/ 01/ 07 by jd in Global News

“Trump is a danger to his own country. He shouldn’t be president for one more minute,” It is “time for Republicans to help Democrats impeach Trump. He must be punished for unleashing a mob on lawmakers in his quest to reverse an election he lost.”


Wall Street Journal (December 14)

2020/ 12/ 15 by jd in Global News

The Supreme Court loss means “President Trump’s legal challenges have run their course.” With “no remaining legal alternatives,” both the President and “the rest of the Republican Party can help the country and themselves by acknowledging the result and moving on.” Unfortunately, “there’s no predicting how Mr. Trump will behave.” He may very well “continue his ‘stolen’ election claims past Jan. 20.”


Financial Times (February 14)

2020/ 02/ 16 by jd in Global News

The Climate Leadership Council relaunched a carbon tax initiative “with support from ten energy companies (including BP), JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs and MetLife. “If nothing else, this shows the pressure that Wall Street leaders feel on the issue from investors and their own employees.” It could also mark an important shift where “the concept might gain traction with Republicans.”


LA Times (January 23)

2020/ 01/ 25 by jd in Global News

“Republicans have been trying to impeach this president since before he was sworn into office. And now, at last, they could make good on the fantasy…. But the dynamism the party once showed, when it dared to condemn Trump in 2016, is gone.”


LA Times (January 14)

2020/ 01/ 15 by jd in Global News

“Convicting Trump will take a two-thirds vote of the Senate, which means that even if all Democrats and independents vote to remove the president, he’ll remain in office unless at least 20 Republicans turn against him. Those are long odds, and if McConnell has his way on witnesses, they’ll stay long.”


USA Today (December 18)

2019/ 12/ 19 by jd in Global News

“Republicans appear intent on extinguishing the most fundamental ingredient of a self-governing republic, the concept of truth. That’s deeply sinister.” Their “impeachment lies” may protect Trump, “but they could destroy America.”


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