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Washington Post (October 29)

2023/ 10/ 31 by jd in Global News

“China’s conduct in recent days in the South China Sea seems neither accidental nor unintentional.” President Xi Jinping may be trying to divert “his people’s attention from growing domestic problems — a faltering economy and a leadership crisis.” Regardless of China’s motives, “it’s imperative that the administration send constant reminders to Beijing and to America’s allies in the region that the United States is a Pacific power and can deal with multiple crises at once.”


Wall Street Journal (September 6)

2023/ 09/ 07 by jd in Global News

Vladimir Putin’s meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un “underscores the global nature of the threat to U.S. interests.” Indeed, the Japanese Prime Minister’s visit to Kyiv this spring was partly “because America’s allies in Asia understand that Ukraine isn’t a distant squabble. Russia has its own Pacific ambitions, including militarizing the Kuril Islands, some of which Japan also claims. A Russia that prevails in Ukraine will provoke elsewhere. Mr. Putin is also the junior partner to the neighborhood’s No. 1 threat: The Chinese Communist Party.”


Barron’s (April 21)

2023/ 04/ 23 by jd in Global News

“Oil prices have given back almost all of the gains they made after OPEC and its allies surprised the market by agreeing to cut production by 1.2 million barrels a day starting in May. It’s a sign that the oil market is more focused on demand now, and doesn’t see enough evidence that countries are using more oil.”


Wall Street Journal (March 2)

2023/ 03/ 03 by jd in Global News

With “the rapidly advancing nuclear capabilities of all four of America’s nuclear-capable rivals—Russia, Iran, North Korea and China,” it is time to reevaluate nuclear strategy. “Instead of pursuing 1990s-era fantasies about reducing the role of nuclear weapons, Washington needs to understand that… it is entering a long-term strategic-arms competition.” The U.S. must “strengthen its strategic forces to provide an adequate deterrent for itself and the more than 30 formal treaty allies that rely on U.S. nuclear weapons for their security.”


Washington Post (July 8)

2022/ 07/ 10 by jd in Global News

“The death of Shinzo Abe is a loss to the U.S. and its allies.” The former Prime Minister’s “assassination was a brutal and completely unforeseen end to a life of public service to the people of Japan. The shock of his death will not dissipate quickly. He was a visionary leader, someone who believed his country was capable of taking a central, and responsible, role in international affairs. His loss will be deeply felt in part because he had more contributions to make.”


Washington Post (March 27)

2022/ 03/ 28 by jd in Global News

“North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong Un, has a way of reminding the world that he has not gone away.” North Korea’s launch of “its most powerful intercontinental ballistic missile ever, in defiance of sanctions and prohibitions” is a reminder of a “foreign-policy headache for the United States and its allies.” The North’s “potential for trouble should not be underestimated.” Kim does not deserve “concessions for his unruly behavior. There is a need for some fresh thinking about how to resolve this long-festering threat.”


The Guardian (February 24)

2022/ 02/ 26 by jd in Global News

“The west stood back and watched in Syria – it must not do the same in Ukraine…. It’s time for the US and its allies to show their steel in the face of Putin’s aggression. We have learned that nothing else will work.”


Wall Street Journal (December 6)

2021/ 12/ 08 by jd in Global News

“Three potential crises are proceeding in tandem: a potential Russian invasion of Ukraine, continuing Chinese pressure on Taiwan and the potential collapse of Iran nuclear talks.” Individually, any “of these standoffs has the potential to shake the world order and produce wider conflict. Taken together, they signal that the U.S. and its allies are at a dangerous moment.” Findings a way to successfully “show firmness on each front without provoking a crisis” will provechallenging.


The Economist (January 18)

2020/ 01/ 20 by jd in Global News

“America is weaponising its currency and financial system” like never before, but the “use of sanctions could endanger the dollar in the long term!” Other countries, both allies and enemies, increasingly view the Trump administration’s aggressive use of the dollar-based financial system “as an abuse of power.” Ultimately, this “may eventually lead to the demise of America’s financial hegemony, as other countries seek to dethrone its mighty currency.”


New York Times (November 11)

2019/ 11/ 11 by jd in Global News

“The president and his allies ask Americans to reject the evidence before their eyes” even though “the case for weighing the impeachment of President Trump boils down to a few simple points.” Welcome to “the disorienting defenses of Donald Trump.”


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