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Deutsche Welle (February 2)

2024/ 02/ 03 by jd in Global News

“EU member states on Friday finally came to agreement and approved new laws governing the safety and use of artificial intelligence, or AI…. The crux of the problem in finding unanimity came down to the balance between giving companies enough maneuvering room to make the development of AI products lucrative within the EU, while at the same time establishing rules for the use of a technology that is already affecting every aspect of society.”


New York Times (March 31)

2023/ 04/ 01 by jd in Global News

“For the first time in American history, a grand jury has indicted a former president of the United States.” Former President Trump “spent years… ignoring democratic and legal norms and precedents, trying to bend the Justice Department and the judiciary to his whims and behaving as if rules didn’t apply to him.” His indictment shows the rules do apply and, with it, these “institutions have proved to be strong enough to hold him accountable for that harm.”


Financial Times (March 15)

2023/ 03/ 16 by jd in Global News

Silicon Valley Bank “was conveniently non-significant in life, but became systemically significant in death.” Looking ahead, “regulation of systemically significant banks must be extended throughout the system.” We’re reached a point where “even in a modest crisis deposits cannot be sacrificed, and rules on haircuts for provision of liquidity will go out of the window.” Since they stand “at the heart of the credit system,” banks must be regulated as “wards of the state.”


Foreign Policy (November 28)

2022/ 11/ 30 by jd in Global News

After engineering “changes in China’s leadership succession rules so that he can preside over his country for life,” Xi is now confronting “a crisis that may come to be seen as an ideal test of the middle-income trap theory.” Deep down, Xi probably realizes “that at some point China’s political system will have to adapt for the country to continue to modernize” and avoid this trap. But for Xi, much like other “leaders who concentrate immense power in their own hands,” the problem is that “no moment ever quite looks like a good one to make serious, substantive change.”


Los Angeles Times (October 21)

2021/ 10/ 23 by jd in Global News

“As more communities across California require proof of vaccination at many retailers and other public venues, the battle over enforcement of the new rules is just beginning to heat up.” Though “many businesses have welcomed these sorts of rules,” others resent the additional burden enforcement places on them in terms of time and staffing requirements, as well as the potential for conflict.


Chief Investment Officer (March 26)

2021/ 03/ 27 by jd in Global News

“The new leadership at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) continues to make environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing one of its top priorities. And now, the commission has launched a new webpage to provide information on ESG-related investing and agency actions…. The SEC is asking its staff to evaluate disclosure rules with an eye on facilitating the disclosure of ‘consistent, comparable, and reliable information on climate change.’”


Reuters (February 15)

2021/ 02/ 16 by jd in Global News

“Brexit-supporting City figures hoping for a regulatory bonfire seem likely to be disappointed…. The BoE’s first deviation from EU law was to make the rules tighter, not looser. The supervisor also recently ruled out a big capital reduction for insurers. London may end up being smaller, but at least it will be safer.”


The Street (December 1)

2020/ 12/ 02 by jd in Global News

To promote diversity and better governance, Nasdaq has proposed new rules that “would require companies to appoint at least two diverse directors on their boards or explain their rationale for not meeting that objective.” Before submitting its proposal to the SEC, Nasdaq analyzed over “two dozen studies that found an association between diverse boards and better financial performance and corporate governance.”


Wall Street Journal (April 23)

2020/ 04/ 25 by jd in Global News

“As U.S.-China tensions increase, the chance of a miscalculation grows,” especially in the South China Sea. “China’s recent behavior has badly damaged its claims to be a global stakeholder that plays by the rules. The U.S. is right to make clear that it remains a Pacific power and that the coronavirus hasn’t lessened its resolve.”


The Economist (March 2)

2019/ 03/ 04 by jd in Global News

“Japan’s plan to let in more low-skilled migrants is half-baked. The rules are too woolly and too onerous, and support for new arrivals too scant.”


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