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Washington Post (May 11)

2016/ 05/ 12 by jd in Global News

“Older people today seem as healthy as people who were several years younger a few decades ago. So why shouldn’t they work the same way, too?” In the U.S., the eligibility age for full social security benefits is scheduled to increase to 67 over the next decade, but a recent study suggests eligibility could reasonably be moved even higher “to somewhere between 68 and 70.”


New York Times (February 28)

2016/ 02/ 29 by jd in Global News

In the U.S., the “sad demise” of the summer job is continuing and must be checked. We need to “help connect young people with summer jobs that give them not just money, but also valuable work experience…. When summer jobs were plentiful, young people gained skills and experiences that made them attractive to future employers.”


New York Times (July 29)

2014/ 07/ 28 by jd in Global News

“Japanese women are not staying away from work because they can’t get ahead; only one in 10 working women say they want to be promoted to management because it would be hard to juggle housework with the long working hours associated with management.” This makes Prime Minister Abe’s task more challenging. First, he needs to convince women “that work, in and of itself, is a good thing.”


Wall Street Journal (March 11)

2014/ 03/ 12 by jd in Global News

Japan may be at the leading edge, but population graying is a truly global phenomenon requiring new approaches. “As the over-60 population grows much faster than the younger working-age cohorts, while life expectancy increases, the 20th-century model of work and retirement becomes increasingly unsuitable for economic growth. The key will be finding new solutions to engage older Americans in the workforce.”



Wall Street Journal (March 2)

2014/ 03/ 03 by jd in Global News

“The fundamental economic issue facing America” is not headline-grabbing income inequality, but rather “jobs—their scarcity and the quality of those that people manage to find.” When the marginally employed are included, the real unemployment rate is closer to 13% and part-time jobs now account for 18% of the workforce. “Job losses in the low-wage and minimum-wage category is the critical issue of our day: Too many of the poor are not working full time or at all.”


Chicago Tribune (February 27, 2014)

2014/ 03/ 01 by jd in Global News

“Even if climate change turns out to be overblown, there’s no real downside in a carbon tax. We merely would have traded a tax that reduces good things, such as work and investment, for a tax that reduces bad things, such as environmental harms and hazards. If done in a revenue-neutral way, it would more likely speed economic growth than slow it.”


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