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Newsweek (August 5)

2018/ 08/ 07 by jd in Global News

On Sunday, a Trump tweet asserted that the “fake media” desires to “purposely cause great division & distrust. They can also cause War! They are very dangerous & sick!” His “latest outburst leaves us in a sort of cold war, with President of the United States Donald Trump lobbing nukes against a media that he deems his opposition…. Ultimately, this war, like all wars, will have no real winner. The media will outlast Donald Trump because of the First Amendment. But a price will be paid. We’re just waiting to see how big that price is.”


The Economist (March 31)

2018/ 03/ 31 by jd in Global News

“Just six words suffice to sum up President Donald Trump’s approach to trade …make threats, strike deals, declare victory.” But this will not create a victory. “Even if conflict is averted and China gives ground… the result will be a bad one for the world, and for America. That is partly because of Mr Trump’s character. If he thinks he has won one fight, he is likelier to start another. It is also because his policy is founded on wretched economics and dangerous politics.”


New York Times (March 26)

2018/ 03/ 28 by jd in Global News

Rather than “a sign of rising self-assuredness,” President Trump’s recent actions reveal the president to be “growing increasingly irascible as his sense of desperation surges. The world is closing in on Trump and he is in an existential fight for his own survival. This is precisely what makes him so dangerous.” He is becoming a growing “threat to the country.” The U.S. presidency brings “awesome power, and Trump will harness and deploy it all as guard and guarantee against his own demise.”


Chicago Tribune (February 7)

2018/ 02/ 09 by jd in Global News

A shadow is hanging over the Olympiad, which “is set against the looming menace posed by one of the world’s most dangerous regimes — North Korea. Whether Pyongyang and the U.S. continue to trade threats of nuclear destruction is a challenge for politicians, diplomats and military strategists.”


The Bangkok Post (September 14)

2017/ 09/ 16 by jd in Global News

“The North Korean ‘crisis’ of recent months is largely an invented one.” Little has changed. “The probability that North Korea would fire a nuclear-tipped missile at the United States was” and remains, “essentially zero.” Given “the undeniable reality of mutual deterrence, the North Korean ‘crisis’ of 2017 can most accurately be seen as a media puppet show put on by Chairman Kim and President Trump for their own public relations purposes. Nonetheless, it’s a dangerous play.”


New York Times (August 10)

2017/ 08/ 12 by jd in Global News

“Mr. Trump has again made himself the focus of attention, when it should be Kim Jong-un, the ruthless North Korean leader, and his accelerating nuclear program.” His “threats have also diverted attention from a genuine accomplishment, the new Security Council sanctions.” This is a time for “prudent, disciplined leadership…. Rhetorically stomping his feet, as he did on Tuesday, is not just irresponsible; it is dangerous.”


LA Times (June 27)

2017/ 06/ 29 by jd in Global News

“Slightly more Europeans now view the United States unfavorably under President Donald Trump than favorably, according to a survey of public attitudes.” Though Europeans consider Trump a strong leader, 75% think he is arrogant, 65% think he’s intolerant, and 62% believe he is dangerous. Looking beyond Europe, only “a median of 22% across all 37 countries surveyed expressed confidence that Trump will do the right thing when it comes to international affairs.”


New York Times (June 26)

2017/ 06/ 27 by jd in Global News

“Mr. Trump’s demonizing of Iran, and his unwillingness to engage its government, could result in a broadening of the American military mission from defeating ISIS to preventing Iranian influence from expanding. This would be dangerous. Iran is a vexing state to be smartly managed, not assumed to be an implacable enemy.”


National Geographic (June 18)

2017/ 06/ 20 by jd in Global News

“Dangerous heatwaves are far more common than anyone realized, killing people in more than 60 different parts of the world every year.”  Approximately “30 percent of the world’s population is currently exposed to potentially deadly heat for 20 days per year or more—and like a growing forest fire, climate change is spreading this extreme heat.” Barring major reductions in GHG emissions, “up to 75 percent of people could face deadly heatwaves by 2100.”


New York Times (June 13)

2017/ 06/ 14 by jd in Global News

“Tensions are reaching a dangerous pitch on the Korean Peninsula, testing the leadership of South Korea’s new president, Moon Jae-in…. In effect, Mr. Moon finds himself pincered between two rival powers, China and the United States, while facing an existential threat from the dictator next door.”


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