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Reuters (February 5)

2024/ 02/ 06 by jd in Global News

“Prolonged factory deflation is threatening the survival of smaller Chinese exporters who are locked in relentless price wars for shrinking business as higher interest rates abroad and rising trade protectionism squeeze demand.” Fifteen months of falling producer prices have crushed “profit margins to the point where industrial output and jobs are now at risk,” further “compounding China’s economic woes, which include a property crisis and debt crunch.”


Bloomberg (September 26)

2022/ 09/ 26 by jd in Global News

“Asian markets risk a reprise of crisis-level stress as two of the region’s most important currencies crumble under the onslaught of relentless dollar strength. The yuan and yen are both tumbling due to the growing disparity between an uber-hawkish Federal Reserve and dovish policy makers in China and Japan.”


The Economist (July 13)

2019/ 07/ 15 by jd in Global News

Matteo Salvini has in effect “been the most powerful man in Italy since shortly after he became a deputy prime minister in June last year.” His domestic rise has been “relentless,” though it is not connected “to pre-eminence by solving or showing how he might solve any of Italy’s obvious malaises.” Even more worryingly, Mr. Salvini has a very antagonistic relationship with the EU and he could very well instigate a new crisis, willingly or otherwise. “The troubling fact for Europe is that no one knows what this meteor that has flashed across Italy’s skies will do next.”


Wall Street Journal (June 2)

2019/ 06/ 02 by jd in Global News

“Climate-change activists are relentless, and in recent years they’ve been trying to take over corporate boardrooms. So it was good to see shareholders last week overwhelmingly vote down resolutions forcing Chevron and Exxon Mobil to hurt their business.”

