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Le Mode (February 2)

2025/ 02/ 04 by jd in Global News

“The first measures of the European AI Act will come into effect on Sunday, February 2.” The first stage “only concerns certain prohibited uses.” More specifically, “this Sunday will see a ban on certain uses of AI deemed unacceptable by the AI Act.” Expanded “implementation of the text, which is the most ambitious in the world at this stage, will be gradual and is still the subject of debate, if not outright challenges.”


New York Times (December 13)

2024/ 12/ 15 by jd in Global News

Venture capital (VC) stands at a cross roads as firms adopt opposing paths. The “industry that funds and fosters American innovation” is undergoing “a profound debate” about its future. Some funds are remaining true to the lean, traditional VC model of infusing capital and not much else. Others are adopting a “bigger-is-better” approach in the belief that “even more money is needed to solve society’s thorniest problems with innovation. Small funds, they scoff, can back only small ideas.”


Institutional Investor (July 3)

2024/ 07/ 04 by jd in Global News

“In the often dogmatic debate over whether using environmental, social, and governance factors helps or hurts investment returns, neither side is going to cheer the findings of a recent Preqin report: ESG didn’t matter.” The analysis of 11,000 funds found “average performance of ESG funds was 13.5 percent, compared with 15.0 percent for all private capital funds,” a difference that is not statistically significant. Moreover, “the results were similar even after accounting for different asset classes.”


Washington Post (December 2)

2023/ 12/ 04 by jd in Global News

“The debate now is when the Fed will start cutting interest rates. Stocks ,, come by May. That would certainly help the housing market, which has frozen with mortgage rates at the highest levels in about two decades.”


Institutional Investor (March 10)

2023/ 03/ 11 by jd in Global News

“A politicized debate over the use of environmental, social, and governance principles in investing has led more than a dozen states to propose legislation that forces institutional investors to boycott certain companies, or bars the use of ESG factors entirely.” While BlackRock “has drawn the most attention from ESG critics.” Still, the massive asset manager has remained “an outspoken supporter of sustainability” and changed very little in its 2023 investment stewardship plan. BlackRock simply “doesn’t seem fazed, even as legislation and divestments could cause allocators to pull billions of dollars from the firm.”


New York Times (October 7)

2020/ 10/ 09 by jd in Global News

“The debate over Trump himself is over. The verdict is in: He cast himself as Superman, but he turns out to have been Superspreader — not only of a virus but of a whole way of looking at the world in a pandemic that was dangerously wrong for himself and our nation. To re-elect him would be an act of collective madness.”


New York Times (August 30)

2019/ 08/ 31 by jd in Global News

“The iconic American worker of the 20th century—a man making cars in a Detroit factory—remains the focus of political debate about work in America. But the real face of the modern working class is a woman caring for that retired autoworker somewhere in the suburban Sun Belt. Half of the 10 fastest growing jobs in America are low-paid variants of nursing.”


Financial Times (July 23)

2019/ 07/ 25 by jd in Global News

“Computer algorithms encoded with human values will increasingly determine the jobs we land, the romantic matches we make, the bank loans we receive and the people we kill, intentionally with military drones or accidentally with self-driving cars.” The way those human values are embedded “will be one of the most important forces shaping our century. Yet no one has agreed what those values should be” and the “debate now risks becoming entangled in geo-technological rivalry between the US and China.”


The Independent (June 19)

2019/ 06/ 21 by jd in Global News

“In the Tory leadership debate, the rare glimmers of truth were even more painful than the lies. It was an ingenious new method of national torture. Five would be prime ministers, appealing to reason, but knowing that in the end, only the psychopaths will decide.”


The Guardian (December 2)

2018/ 12/ 02 by jd in Global News

The debate that begins Tuesday in the House of Commons “will be the most consequential parliamentary event for a generation…. The voting at the end of this five-day debate on 11 December will decide whether, and if so on what terms, Britain departs from the European Union or whether, perhaps, the issue will be returned to the voters for another referendum and for a possible democratic reversal of Brexit.” Ultimately, the best “choice will depend, in part, on how the domestic Brexit endgame evolves over the next week.”


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